
Technology sometimes makes me believe that i'm a talented photographer

With the power of Instagram and other smartphone apps, anyone can take fancy-looking photos. I decided to experiment with a few shots I have recently taken. What do you think? 

I call this photo "Hideous creature from the depths of Florida's hell goes for a stroll." These giant grasshoppers give me the willies. I loathe them.

  This is called "Pick up your dad-gum trash, you hamburgler-loving fool!"

That is poop.

This is Art. 
I'm glad it told me.
It lives in the yard of a neighbor down the street.

My dogs toilet on this hydrant. 
It is pretty.

Someone left this in the hallway near my office. 
He knowz spelling reel gude.

I included this photo to show off my tomatoes. 
I guess that dog is worth mentioning too.

I saw this man driving down the highway. I don't think that's a real baby. Maybe he was just practicing.

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