
Seahorses Win

Of all the animals in the entire animal kingdom that I have never studied, the seahorse has earned its spot as the creature I most admire.

Perhaps "admire" is not really the word I'm looking for; maybe "envy" is more appropriate. Not simply because they are blessed with a life of coastal coral-hopping, checking out the newest and hippest spot under the porifera. Not because they are masters of a wicked-cool tail (oh the possibilities...).

No. I admire these creatures, specifically the females, for accomplishing what no lousy human female has managed to achieve in spite of centuries of suffering.

For years, women have attempted to establish equality of responsibility and emotional understanding in their relationships with men. In all these relationships the same sentiments are echoed as women mourn the male species' inability to empathize with certain ... womanly sentiments and sufferings.

But the seahorse-ette, now she is a true feminist. This is how the seahorses mate:

And then the female seahorse proceeds to do what no human feminist has ever done: she convinces the male to carry the babies to term.

Seahorses Win.

This is the male ... giving birth. It's strangely weird and awesome.

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